Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

A scanner darkly…well its not that dark

Ok, new scanner equals new pages. Finally after way too long, Demon Fist is back up. The move is finished. Now I just have to get a job.
Here’s the new work space!

Enjoy the new pages and wish me luck! 😀

Oregon Trail Part 2

Phew finally in Portland. And most of the house is set up. It actually looks like a house now instead of a death defying maze of boxes. The good news is that means the office is set up and ready to go except for the bad news… My scanner didn’t make it through the move.

It’s gone kuput. 🙁

I have an other one ordered and on its way, but it wont be here until Wednesday. Sorry to make you guys wait another week, but such is the perils of moving. Finally after a much too long break Demon Fist should be back on its feet.

The Oregon Trail

Ok so now that things are finally solid I can let you all in on things. As of November 4th I’ll be living on the other side of the country. This is the reason pages have been so sporadic the past couple of weeks. There has been so much preparation for this move, I’ve barley had time to think lol.

All of my stuff shipped out this past Monday, which means i don’t really have any means of doing the comic for the next 2 weeks. I hope you all can be patient while I get my home together. Once I’m not living in the limbo of moving I should get back on track and post regularly again.

Back on Track?

Ugh, I hope. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I had Otakon the weekend before last, but had to skip Sunday to catch a 6AM flight to California. I was in 5 states in 3 days lol.

But Otakon as always was a blast. Met a lot of great people, sold some stuff, did some really fun commissions, and hopefully got some new readers. Unfortunately, that was probably my last convention on the east coast for a while, as I move to Portland, Oregon within the next two months. So right now I’m hoping to use this rare downtime to put in some much needed work into Demon Fist to get it running smoothly again. As always thanks for all of your patience. Time to get ourselves to Toranos!

Moving sux

Hey all sorry for the late update. So I’m moving out of our old place this week, its been a bit of a mad house. So while I had a few seconds, I just wanted to let you know that there will be no pages this week. But it should start back up on Monday, August 5th. Thanks for your patience. Ugh back to cleaning and moving…so tired…lol.