Well, it’s official, I’ll have a booth at Otakon this year. I was hesitant at first, because its a really expensive convention. I just hope it isn’t as big of a loss as Katsucon was. I’m sure it will be fun either way. Wish me luck, and I hope to see some of you peeps there!
As for AnimeNext, I’m still waiting to hear back if I got in. I’ll let you all know when I do.
Hey peeps sorry I didn’t get pages out so far this week. Had a bad cold that destroyed my ability to concentrate on anything. But I’m feeling better, so new pages should be up starting tomorrow.
Good news though, contrary to what I thought I will be at Castle Point Anime convetion in Hoboken NJ on April 1st (Lol its not an April fools joke). More info can be found here: Castle Point Anime Convention. I hope to see some of you peeps there. 🙂
Lol, so I just got back from MangaNext so that completes the convention Garage for a little while. Kastucon was a bit of a bust in terms of sales, but I met a lot of great people so it was definitely worth it. At MangaNext I did a lot better, and was hanging out with Cyber-Scribe-Screens and Pigtail Studios. Both are awesome people that make awesome stuff. I would definitively check them out!
As for the comic, I apologize for the lateness, but it will resume its normal schedule starting tomorrow. Its about time, I know. But hopefully things will start moving back on its old pace. Thanks for reading! 🙂
Alright, Katsucon starts tommorrow.This week has been crazy trying to finish everything up in time. Thus the lack of pages this week. I promise you all there will be some next week. And with any luck after Manga Next (which is the following weekend) I’ll be back the the full four pages a week.
Hope to see some of you at either convention.
Sorry about the lack of pages last week and today. I’ve been busy making preparations for Katsucon, and MangaNext has been added to the list. This is one of the new pics I just finished for it: Kenshin. Plus I had some design jobs come my way.
So I don’t have today’s page ready, but I’m gonna get it out Wednesday, then try to still do a Thursday page too. Wish me luck!
Also, good news, volume 2 is now up for sale! Buy it here!