Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

Ok, to catch up hopefully

Well as always sorry for missing a page. I know I havent posted much for news in a while. Lifes been crazy O.o A quick rundown: My girlfriend lost her job right before she needed surgery, I had my first convention table, my cat got sick, and now my girlfriend got the surgery she needed last night. We were in the hospital for 12+ hours after we were told it would only be a 4-5 hour out patient surgery, lol.

Lets just say this all made for one hell of a complicated summer so far. The good news is, both my girlfriend and my cat are doing fine. So I think the minor shitstorm we encountered is starting to die down. So that hopefully means a less bumpy schedule now. Which is good cause it looks like things in Demon Fist are starting to heat up and I don’t want to make you wait any more than necessary for it!

Volume 1 is here!

Ok, sorry it took so long. I just wanted to make make sure the printed edition of volume 01 was good quality before I put it out for purchase. To buy a copy click on the Store link up top or the button in the side bar. Don’t even want to do that?! Well then just click this link and buy: Demon Fist Volume 1

Ok starting to get back on track

Thanks everyone for your patience. The good news is my cat is now home. Shes doing pretty good, but it is still up in the air if the treatment will be effective. So who knows, but I’m hoping.

As far as comic news goes, I may miss a post or two between now and July but I’m definitely starting to make some headway.

I know I promised a link on how to buy the first volume of Demon Fist in print, but I had a correction and I’m still waiting to hear from the printer if it was fixed. I’ll let you all know when its out.

Hey all

Ok, so my cats doings better, but its still unclear as to whether or not shes gonna make it. I’m gonna try to get pages out on time, but its a little hard to work being so worried. But I promise you all that I will try my best. Thank you all very much for being patient.


Hey, just spent the last 8 hours at the emergency vet for my cat. Doesn’t look too great. Gonna have to postpone the page till tomorrow. Sorry…