OMG! Anime Next was so much fun. And really freakin’ tiring. I just wanna thank everyone who stopped by the booth. I plan on doing more cons in the future and will keep you all posted as to which ones I’m doing.
Since I’m totally beat from work, the page will be out this evening instead of now. Sorry guys but I have to make up my hours that i took off for the convention so I had to work really late tonight. But it will be out tonight and Thursday’s page will be on time. Then we will finally be back to the normal schedule. Thanks for being patient!
Here’s a pic of me and my table woo hoo!
And yes that is a printed volume 1 of Demon Fist. I’ll be providing a link to buy it by the end of the week. Stay tuned 🙂
Ok so less then a week until Anime Next. I’m getting super excited… and nervous, lol. But the leaves some good news and some bad news.
First the bad news. Because of all the craziness that will be going on to get my table ready there will be no pages this week, two pages next week, and finally back to the normal 4 pages the week after that. Thanks for being patient through all of this.
Now the good news. Chapter 1 has been fully redrawn and has been uploaded to the sight. Chapters 2-8 have also been cleaned up. All of it has been rewritten too. Nothing major, just some tweaking to make things flow better and what not. Give it a re read if you’re interested. Also the first volume will be available to order on Monday June 13th I’ll Post an update then as well.
But anyone in the New Jersey Area, come to Anime Next this coming weekend and Check out the table. Hope to see ya there!
The Random Panda
Ok, so things are moving along. The first volume is at the printer. I’ll let you know here, when it’s available to order. I should have all the cleaned up pages added to the site in a week or two. Now I gotta finish up the tons of coloring and button making. Less than a month to go. Ugh, I’m pretty nervous.
Ok everyone. Good news. I’m going to have a table at Anime Next in NJ in June. Where the first volume (chapters 1-8) will be one sale as well as prints and buttons. What does that mean? A hell of a lot of work, and unfortunately less updates temporarily.
I’m redrawing the first issue for the printed release, cleaning up chapters 2-8 and drawing and coloring a lot of pics. I’ll also be making a bunch of pins. So no pages this week. And after this week as much as I hate to do it, I’ll only be putting 2 pages out a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That will only be until after the convention. Then I’ll be back up to Monday-Thursday.
I should be able to keep this schedule pretty well but it might get a little jumpy closer to the con when I’m rushing to have everything ready. Wish me luck peeps, and thanks for being patient!
Hey guys its nearing 3am and I still don’t have the page done. Life has been pretty hectic lately (I may have a cool announcement soon thought woot!), so I have been mentally exhausted. Unfortunately since its already so late, no page today. There will definitely be one Thursday. As always sorry for making you all wait. 🙁