Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

So…what would you like to see?

Ok, so I’ve been steering this comic and website in the direction I’ve seen fit for a while now. What I’d like to know is, what do all the readers what to see? Basically critique the site as a whole. What do you like/dislike about it. What do you wish there was more of? (well aside from more pages,thats a given, lol)

I have some ideas in the works that I’m not quite ready to start yet, but i would love to here what you all think.
Let me know in a comment or e-mail me at

Yay stuff!


Ok peeps I’m away from home for thanksgiving, so unfortunately I can’t do the computer end of the comic, so no posts this week. But I’ll be drawing pages, so you should see more steady posts afterward. Thanks for being patient.


Ok as you can see todays page stopped showing, I deleted a scrap draft post, but it apparently had todays page linked to it so when i deleted the draft, it took the comic page with it. Im at work now, but I will fix it as soon as i get home. Sorry for the mess up.

Gwahahahahaha Finally

It took long enough, but I finally got the archive page to display properly in IE7. So if you readers couldn’t do it before, well you should be able to now. YAY!

A busy couple of weeks

Well, its been pretty busy on my end. But the move is finished, and i start my new job tomorrow. Woot! But i just wanted to let you all know that there is a new wallpaper in the downloads section and i finally updated the cast list a little bit. I really gotta try to get that one up to snuff.
Hope you’re all enjoying Demon Fist. TTYL