Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

Ewww Glitch

Sorry for the late page, had a little snafu with the site. But it should be fixed. Enjoy!

Back in action

Ok, so I got a buffer of comics now so that should hold pretty strong while the move and Job Search finishes up. Thanks for your patience peeps 😀

Sorry :(

Ok guys one more delay. Basically I got pages drawn up but my scanner is a state away. Living between two places sucks. But it will be here tomorrow. The good news though, I a little bit ahead finally so we should get a few weeks or more with no delays. Thanks for being patient peeps!

A new place

Ok, so i hate to make you guys wait after that terrible August o Delays, but Demon Fist will be taking this week off. It will resume on Monday, October 18th.

The reason why? Well I moving to a new state for one and two, I have to find a job. So I was going to use this week to build up my buffer. This way, I can have a cushion so while this is going on, posts won’t get so sadly random and delayed. Again sorry for keeping you guys in suspense, but its only this week. Again, it will start back up Monday, October 18th.

Thanks for your patience, doodz!

September of lesser doom

Ok so things are still a little crazy on my end, but they’re getting better. August had my sisters wedding and a number of other snaffus, as well as having to stay late at work alot. September has a big move and I’m house sitting, so now I’m just getting Demon Fist back on track. I should be back up to 4 pages a week again soon.

As always thanks for reading.