Sorry bout the lack of page today. I screwed up the date when i posted the page so it was
scheduled to come out June 1…2011… 🙁 Go me, lol. Anyway its fixed. Enjoy!
Ok, DF if back on the prowl. New page.
I’m hoping to update the cast page in the next week or two also.
Keep reading!
Ok guys I’ve been trying to avoid this for almost 3 months now but it’s gotten too difficult,
and the pages are starting to suffer for it.
Demon Fist will take a one week break and re start on Monday, May 24th.
Basically I ran out of buffer about three months ago and have been bustin my hump
just trying to stay on deadline. However It’s been getting progressively difficult as other
aspect in my life have gotten busier. So i’ll spend this week gettin pages done so i have a
buffer again and can provide you all with more consistent quality updates.
Thanks for your patients.
Sorry peeps, no post today, but there will definitly be one tommorrow. We should go a little bit more smoothly from there
So much for Rory’s secret being safe. The cat’s out of the bag now, and to make things worse,
Baluga the Hellish is back in the mix.
Read and find out what happens