Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

Woot, a site update

So I finally got around to updating the site a bit.
The cast page has been updated, I added a contact page,
and cleaned up the side bar a bit.

Plus now you can get Demon Fist Stuff at the store 😀
Check it out:

Chapter 13 is finally a go!

Rory’s been discovered by some unusual guys and Duncan’s still hot on his trail.
Not to mention he’s not even awake for all of this. It looks pretty dire.
Read and find out what happens.

Whew, thanks for everyone’s patience. Chapter 13 has finally started.
Plus, look for a pretty big update to the site this week.

Delay! Noooooooooooooooo!

Sorry peeps, but Chapter 13 won’t start until monday,
but on the bright side, that should be the only delay for this issue. Yay!
Thanks for being patient 🙂

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone’s holidays were awesome, just wanted to say thanks for reading,
seeing as today started the second year of Demon Fist (woot woot).
Keep reading cause theres a lot to come 🙂

Yay Chapter 12 Actually started!

Again Sorry for the delay. Enjoy.
Just a heads up though, being that its the holiday season,
this chapter or the next one might have a few minor delays.
But I’ll try my best to keep them coming out as soon as possibly.

the Random Panda