Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

Chapter 12 strikes!

Looks like the church has caught up with Rory.
Will he elude them or will they finally have their prize?
Read and find out!

Some bad news, Page 1 of chapter 12 will start Monday in stead of tomorrow.
Sorry to keep you guys waiting 🙁

WTF!? Chapter 11?!

Finally we take a look back at Rory’s Past, and hopefully shed a bit of light on how he became what he is today. He better not spend too much time reminising because he’s got guests a plenty showing up. Read and find out.


So on the DF Facebook Page there’s now 130 fans.
I just wanted to thank all of you for reading the comic.
Stick around, there’s lots to come!

Also the Webcomic Planet is having Readers Choice Awards.
If you think Demon Fist is good enough to be included head over
and nominate it for any category you think it fits in.
Nominations go on until October 31st. And voting will begin on November 1st

WebComic Planet


Rocking the Double Digits with 10!

Rory’s found out more about this Demon thats been bothering the poor folks at Tas Kitana.
Will he be able to step up and brings bastard down, or will he just end up all wet?

Read and find out!

OMG ROFLCOPTER its Chapter 9

Rory’s finally washed his hands of the whole Duprant mess. Now he’s finally
arrived in Tas Kitana. Should just be a simple boatride to Toranos and he’ll
have gotten closer what he’s been searching for. Yeah, like it will be that
easy, read and find out.

Wow so here we are on chapter 9 which marks the start of Volume 2 if this
was set up like a normal manga. Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying it so far.
Keep reading there’s still a lot to come. Oh and if you haven’t done so check
it, Demon Fist has a Facebook page, woot!