Chapter 51
Thursday — August 23rd, 2018

Chapter 51

Demon Fist News

Caching fail

Hey all, if you haven’t been seeing the new pages come up, it was because I am using a new page caching plugin to try to make load times shorter. There was an issue where it wasn’t reloading the main page at all, but it should be fixed now. Sorry for the delay.


Just a reminder, Demon Fist Starts back up on Monday!

The Game Plan UPDATE!

Ok, so things have been busy on the Demon Fist front. Been getting pages drawn, a new convention scheduled (details to follow), and getting Volume 5 off to the printers. I’m excited, March 2nd is around the corner and Demon Fist will be back with a vengeance!

The Game Plan

Hey everybody. So I’ll just jump right in here and say I have been really unhappy with the amount of pages I have been realeasing these past months. Granted I have had a bunch of real world issues (new job, sick cat, etc.) be part of that reason, but regardless I want to fix this. I tried small breaks to try and catch up but to no avail. So as I am between volumes 5 and 6, I plan to take the next month off.

I’m sorry to make you all wait, but I really think this will be for the best in order to get Demon Fist back on track with 3-4 pages per week again. This will also help me move forward on some other Demon Fist projects I’ve had to keep on the back burner for almost two years now. So wish me luck guys I will be spending the next month working my but off, trying to get things back on track. I will try to post updates as I do this, but Demon Fist will return March 2! See you then!

Whitemaze Podcasts

Hey all, my friends over at Whitemaze need some help. They do a series of podcasts, videos and whatnot. They’ve even been so generous as to have me on their podcast a few times. However they’ve started to reach the limit as to what they can do because of dated equipment. We’ve all been there. So if you can, check out their GoFundMe here: Whitemaze GoFundMe

You can listen to their podcasts and such here: Whitemaze